Bulletin Board
Jane Dunhamn will be featured on the Podcast,
We Are Not OK: A Community of Healing of Columbia University, NYC. Friday,
March 7th
DWD Black History Month Diva Zoom Call
Jackie Pilgrim, NBDC member presents to DIVAs with Disabilities on Thursday 27, at 6:30 pm ​
B'nai Israel Congregation of Rockville, MD
MLK Day: Doing Tikkun Olam Together. Scherrone Dunhamn and Frank Latham of NBDC are guest speakers.
Sunday, January 19th. 11am-3pm
University of Illinois
Jackie Pilgrim will participate in an interview for the Urbana-Champaign research team.
University of Michigan
Jane Dunhamn will participate in a review panel.
Federal Black Employees Resource Group
Scherrone Dunhamn will present to the Black Employees Resource Group and the Council for Employees with Disabilities for National Disability Employment Awareness Month.
Tuesday, October 8th, 1pm
Symposium on Dis/Ability and Debility in Appalachia
Jane Dunhamn will present Black Disability Attitude: For Families and Providers at the Symposium on Dis/Ability and Debility in Appalachia at the University of Kentucky's Healthy Kentucky Research Building.
Saturday, September 28th
Amsterdam News
Tameka Citchen Spruce, Presenter of NBDC was interviewed by the Amsterdam News for article Black, Proud and Living with a Disability.
NBDC received an endowment from the Bremar Family.
Disability Forum for Black Organizational and Faith Leaders
Wednesday, June 19, 2024, 11:30 - 1:00 pm.
Urban Matters
NBDC collaborated with Urban Matters on the NJ Black IDD Movement and consulted on an abuse law case.
Integral Care
Frank Latham will present to a team from Integral Care that provides educational services to professionals within a region of 27 counties in Texas. The event is the Speaker Series on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
Tuesday, May 14th, 1pm
Word in Black
Jackie Pilgrim, Communications Director of NBDC was interviewed by the online newsletter, Word in Black, a groundbreaking collaboration of legendary Black news publishers.
Rutgers Newark Disability Studies
Frank Latham will present on the theme, "Disability, Incarceration & Resistance.
Wednesday, March 27th, 1pm
The Opportunity League
Frank Latham of NBDC will present "Understanding Disability" to The Opportunity League. The Opportunity League provides educational, athletic and community development opportunities for youth and adults.
Friday, March 8th, 7pm - 8pm
U-turn, Inc.
Barbara Johnson will present to U-turn, Inc. U-turn is an organization that assists struggling students in navigating the education system.
Thursday, February 15th, 8pm - 9:30pm
University of Michigan
Barbara Johnson of NBDC will present at the University of Michigan's Center for Disability Health and Wellness event, The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Disability Justice Forum.
Thursday, January 18, 2024, 2:00 - 3:30 pm.
Senator Bob Casey introduced the Law Enforcement Education and Accountability for People with Disabilities (LEAD) initiative. The initiative includes three bills: the Human-Services Emergency Logistics Program (HELP) Act, the Safe Interactions Act (SIA), and the Data on Interactions and Accountability for Law Enforcement with Individuals with Disabilities (DIALED) Act. This initiative is aimed at improving interactions between people with disabilities and law enforcement.
March 10th – Harriet Tubman Day – We’re coming together for a rally in front of the White House with one clear demand: we need accessible and inclusive currency now! Join us at 1:30 pm in Lafayette Square.
Disability World with Norma Stanley featuring Director, Jane Dunhamn
Justice Department Secures Agreement with Alaska School District Concerning Discriminatory Seclusion and Restraint Practices - Press Release
Disability Journalism Fellowship
The New York Times and the National Center on Disability and Journalism today announced that they are, for the third year in a row, partnering on a fellowship to develop journalists with an expertise in coverage of disability issues.
Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies
Director, Jane Dunhamn attends the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies event: A Conversation with Dr. Lisa Cook, Federal Reserve Board Governor.
​Disabled in Action: Spiritual Inclusion
Director, Jane Dunhamn provided introductory remarks and participated as a panelist in the discussion of spiritual inclusion and disability.
Episcopal Peace Fellowship with Rev. Dr. Joyce Penfield
Director, Jane Dunhamn and Member Scherrone Dunhamn participated in discussion on peace through non-violence education, trauma healing, and community empowerment to adapt to marginalized communities in the United States.
US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Office of Public Affairs
Director, Jane Dunhamn will participate in the upcoming convening of disability advocates hosted by HUD.
2021 - 2022
ABC Reporter Requests Comments on Fetterman debate Director, Jane Dunhamn provided a statement regarding ableism and its impact on public policy.
NBDC Participates in Education Opportunity Research Director, Jane Dunhamn will collaborate with EDI in assisting disabled people, family members, and caregivers in teaching, research, and professorship positions, especially in disability-related fields, but not exclusive to disability-related fields.
Disabled in Action, Atlanta Presents
Director, Jane Dunhamn, Mother and Caregivers Award of the Decade.
CJAM Radio, Windsor, Ontario, Canada Communication Director, Jackie Pilgrim provided an interview to Cameron Wells, Host of Handi-Link.
Coastal Georgia Jack and Jill Director, Jane Dunhamn presented to mothers and teens on transition to adult life for the provisional group of the Coastal Georgia Jack and Jill Chapter.
National Health Care Transition Resource Center Director, Jane Dunhamn participates in discussions with NHCTRC about healthcare transition training and resources for young adults with ID/DD, ages 12-26, their families, and the professionals who serve them.
US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) Office of Public Affairs Director, Jane Dunhamn will participate in the upcoming convening of disability advocates hosted by HUD.
Black Feminist Disability Justice Lab Member, Tameka Citchen-Spruce represented NBDC in the first Black Feminist Disability Justice Lab.
NBDC at NDEAM DURHAM, NC Director, Jane Dunhamn was Keynote Speaker at the Durham, NC, Mayor's Committee for Disabled Person's Employee Awards Ceremony.
NBDC Presented at the Association for the Study of African American Life and History
Director, Jane Dunhamn, presented at the national conference for The Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH). The session provided a discussion on the perspectives on issues including preparing children for a world that does not love them; intentionally building communities of support; shepherding children into adulthood and retaining or creating family traditions. Central to the discussion was the experiences of parents and advocates of disabled children.
NBDC interviewed by AARP Director, Jane Dunhamn provided background information to AARP magazine for an article that seeks to tell the stories of aging parents of adult children with disabilities.
Interview for Administration on Community Living Communication Director, Jackie Pilgrim and Member, Safiyyah Mohammed participated in an interview with the National Alliance who received a 5-year award from the Administration on Community Living (ACL) to establish a National Health Care Transition Resource Center (NHCTRC) for youth and young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) with the goal to empower individuals and their caregivers to direct their own transition from pediatric to adult care.
Bloomfield Civil Rights Commission Director, Jane Dunhamn presented to the Bloomfield, NJ Civil Rights Commission for March Disability Awareness Month.
The Atlantic Magazine: Being Black and Disabled Director, Jane Dunhamn was interviewed for the feature article.