"A great kickoff to Juneteenth!
I want to consciously include my disabled brothers and sisters in my life, as my pastor, accountant etc., and on my organization boards. Thank you, NBDC."
K. Basden
Chicago, Ill.
"The National Black Disability Coalition is a great resource that provides insight and focuses on the inclusion and intersectionality of individuals with disabilities. A BIG thank you, to Frank Latham, for providing a training on the importance of self-advocacy. Another BIG thank you to Jane who not only connected me with Frank but also provided ongoing support throughout the whole process. I look forward to gaining more knowledge through the NBDC."
~Asia Hardin, Integral Care, Texas Healthy Living For Everyone
"Thank you for introducing me to RAISE."
~K. Breslow, Ph.D. School Psychologist
“I can't thank you enough for participating and supporting the mother and teens of the provisional group of the Coastal Georgia Jack and Jill chapter. Your facilitation of the discussion between the teenagers was both educational and inspiring. You not only opened the eyes of the teenagers and their parents as to the capabilities of individuals with disabilities, but you helped bring awareness to potential stereotypes and misconceptions that may exist regarding people living with physical and developmental challenges. Ms. Jane did a phenomenal job at encouraging the teens to talk openly and ask questions. The NBDC is definitely a resource not just for minority and disabled communities, but for everyone.
Thank you again for your support and our chapter looks forward to working with you in the future.”
~Monique S. Garrett
"Yes, today’s session was a tremendous first step for individual American Council of the Blind (ACB) members as well as ACB the organization. After the session today, my sister who was on the call, and I had a long conversation about our family and of our feelings on all that is happening today. We both remembered with a mix of love and disrespect how as teenagers, an uncle of ours that we really loved would use racist words. We did call him on it, but he thought it was funny and I don’t know how much of a difference it made to him. We were so young then, but at least now as middle-aged adults we know we at least said something. It was really good for me to have this conversation with her."
"I agree with MCAC members (Multicultural Committee American Council of the Blind) that we have discovered a treasure in you (Jane Dunhamn) and I definitely want to keep in touch!" NBDC Disability Anti Racism Training Oct. 2020 for the American Council of the Blind
"Thank you for your participation in the ADA 30 celebration, the conversation was rich and I was able to gain a greater understanding of the separation of Disabled and Black & Disabled. I was one who, knowing the issues faced by race and discrimination, wanted to believe that disability is what ties us and we shouldn't separate. But after yesterday, I gained a perspective that I understand but didn't want to believe. Thank you."
~Lisa Franklin
Langston Mayo: Blessings-Langston Mayo on the behalf of the Isolated Thoughts Podcast Listeners
"Thank you for your work! From a disabled white ally."
~Maia ten Brink
"On behalf of Aditi Mahapatra" - an ally, an advocate, and an inspiration.
"Wonderful organization; thanks for all you do!"
~Gargi Patel
"As a Black disabled person, I thank you for being an advocate for us."
~Samuel Freeman
"Thank you for your work."
~Imani Scruggs
"Celebrating all that disabled people do for our country."
~Eduardo Figon
"As a Black disabled person, I thank you for being an advocate for us."
~Samuel Freeman
"NBDC makes me proud to be Black and Disabled. I'm proud to have partnered with NBDC. "
~Rev. Calvin Peterson, Founder/Director, Disabled in Action, Atlanta, Georgia
"The National Black Disability Coalition examines the intersections of race and disability, with goals that promote unity, equity and opportunity for and among black people with disabilities. Their website offers educational resources, inclusion toolkits, and a history of black disabled people."
~Michelle R. Nario-Redmond, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, Hiram College
"I can't express my gratitude for the support, care and understanding I have received. I could not have done this without the help of NBDC. Thank you for all that you do for persons with disabilities."
~Robin Wilson Young, Parent
"As a Black woman raising a young man with a disability, I crave knowledge like this I want him to know his history. know the role black and brown folks with disabilities in garnering civil rights for numerous people in this country. We never hear these names. Thank you for posting this."
~Talina Jones
"Thank you for your scholarly, inquiry/informative site. I will be directing students to your site as a resource this semester."
~D. Fisher, Africana Studies, San Diego State University
"Thank you NBDC for relentlessly supporting Rose and her family."
"And THANK YOU, Jane for supporting this family and for guiding me; but most of all, for selflessly dedicating your time, your energy and your life to this work."
~Safiyyah Amiina Amina, Muslim Liaison, Disability Advocate